I Got Friends

I do.

I actually got the question the other day:

“How do you always find such awesome blogs?”

Not to be cocky or anything, but I do have a good eye.

So, here are my very favorites so far.

In no particular order: (Seriously…I do NOTHING orderly.)

Now listen here. I probably forgot some of you. If I did,  just leave a little message for me. Don’t hate me. One time I lost my 2-year-old at the County Fair for 6 whole minutes. See? That’s what you are dealing with.

I”ll keep updating…..because I keep finding these awesome bloggers.

Seriously awesome bloggers.

It’s a gift.

P.S. If you really want to get some good blogging Karma going…promise yourself to check out at least THREE of the above bulleted BLOGS. Because really. Who doesn’t need good Karma?

29 thoughts on “I Got Friends

  1. Thanks, Lis, for including me! So, I’ll go finish the sewing project for my daughter first, and then play with the clickers some more! xoxoM 😉

  2. Lisa, you’re a gem! And what a fabulous idea… I’m going to book some me time at the weekend, grab a glass of wine and click like a mad woman until I’ve visited them all! I’ve already had a sneaky peak at a couple and love them already!

  3. Thank you, Lis, for including me on your list. I don’t have a list. But if I did your blog would certainly be there. I always love reading what you write — but I will miss the photos.

    • Dear Love & Lunch,
      Well done! I feel very lucky to have found all these awesome bloggers.
      I didn’t really expect the whole blog thing to bring people into my life who I have come to think of as friends!!!

In the latest scientific study, people who comment on blogs are 96% sexier than those who don't.