
I haven’t filled out a job application in a long time. But, if I had to prove my worth for this Life Coaching gig….I would say this:

I have 46 years of experience being a daughter to the most wise and wonderful Mom.

me and Mom..my biggest supporter♥

I have eight years of being a sidekick to the world’s most patient Daddy, which wasn’t nearly long enough.

Me and Daddy

I have 46 years experience of being the little sister to three girls that share my past.

I have 40 years of experience being a friend to so many people who let me be a part of their lives.

My oldest and dearest friends

I have nearly 28 years of experience being a wife to the boy I have loved from the moment  I first saw him at age 14.

I have 25 years of experience teaching children.

I have 18 years of experience of being a mom. Which in the end, is all I ever wanted to be.

My three seeing the ocean for the first time♥

Which makes me 169 years old in vampire years.

My husband and me one lovely Halloween

 Don’t worry though, I crave good vibes and delicious connection instead of blood.

I love my life, and I teach others to do the same.

I also write a fun little newsletter, are you IN?

50 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! Welcome to the DiabeticRedemption.com family of readers. I’m glad you’ve joined us. If you’d like, please find my Friends Page, and tell me and my readers a little about yourself and your blog, and please be sure to add the URL. Again, welcome!

  2. Hiya, I have a favour to ask 🙂 would you be a guest blogger on a website I’m just trying to start up which is a local what is on type of thing. I would love if you could write something in your normal witty tones to show these brits how to blog properly. I hope you can be ace to have your blog on board as a sample to what is good about blog world. 🙂

      • Hiya Lis, Brilliant, I think if it is O.K with your good self, I,ll reblog your next blog from your pages onto the websites own blog. I can also ( with your permission 🙂 ) copy it onto the websites pages in all it’s glory. The website is only a few days old but it’s coming together now that we can get out and about getting articles for it. Hopefully a blog page from you may encourage other in our area to use word press. Thanks loads Lis really appreciated. It would be great just to show people what a good blog looks like. 🙂

    • Dear Audra,
      I wonder if you can even know how much that means to me. I pour myself into my words, and I always hope….it’s the best of me shining through. It’s such a kind thing for you to say.
      Blessings to you!!!!
      Love, Lis

      • I did not know what else to say.. your words and your tone are soo wonderfully loving and nice Lis. You make me smile with happiness as I read

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