The Firstborn

A silhouette of my beautiful inside and out daughter.

She came when no others could.

She made us a family.

When I first became pregnant with her, I was afraid she would go away, like all the others.

I asked God for a sign.

A sign, so that I would stop worrying so much.

One day, a little girl came up to me.

I wasn’t showing. I was approaching the time when all the other babies had left my body. I was bracing myself for the pain that would surely come, as it had so many times before.

She leaned in and whispered the sweetest words I have ever heard:

You have a baby growing in your tummy.

And then she skipped away.

My whole body tingled, and all I could do was cry, for the wonder of it all.

I knew that little girl was my messenger.

All children are special.

My girl was born seven months later, and to me…..she’s not just my firstborn. To me, she’s what a miracle looks like.

3 thoughts on “The Firstborn

  1. Oh my gosh! I never knew that. That is amazing! Believe it or not, but I remember that time and everything you guys went through. I was so happy and excited for you guys! (And she has turned into an amazing girl!)

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